Chengdu Chengdu 7-0 win over Qingdao West Coast, thanks to the scene for Chengdu 40036 fans cheering

来源: Huang Qianghui Q&A network
2024-06-01 01:32:30

Chengdu Chengdu 7-0 win over Qingdao West Coast, thanks to the scene for Chengdu 40036 fans cheering

Today 19:35, Chengdu Rongcheng sat at home against Qingdao West Coast, and finally won 7-0!In the first half, Felipe headed the goal, Wei Shihao added a goal to expand the score, Romulo assisted Felipe to open the net twice, and we led by three goals at the half。In the second half, Hu Hetao made a point, Exon scored a goal, Hu Hetao assisted Exon to finish the second goal, Mu Rehe Mai Tijiang scored the first goal of the personal season, Wei Shihao scored the second goal! Thanks to the 40036 fans who came to the scene today to cheer for Chengdu Chengdu team, and thank every friend who always supports Chengdu Chengdu Chengdu Chengdu friends, let us dedicate this precious victory to my dear you!Every run, every goal of the source of power, is the embodiment of your love and expectation。We know that since its establishment, the club has been able to thrive, to create a famous stadium atmosphere and excellent team in the Chinese Super League and even the whole country, and the encouragement and encouragement of the fans are inseparable from it。As the "third grade students" of the Chinese Super League, we are still lacking in many aspects. We are deeply sorry and grateful for the persistence and tolerance of our fans。In the coming days, we will add more forms of fan communication activities, listen to the voice and demands of fans in their shoes, and continue to fight for it! We believe that the club and every fan are a community of destiny fighting for this glory and love。Every suggestion, every entrust is for this love can be more shining!May on the road to the future, we always work hand in hand, fight side by side, and struggle for our common dream!
Posted in: Shangsi County
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