Liu Kaiyuan scores a goal as Chinese footballers draw 1-1 with Girona

来源: Zheng Yi Q&A network
2024-06-01 01:32:31

Liu Kaiyuan scores a goal as Chinese footballers draw 1-1 with Girona

Live on May 26, Beijing time late last night, the Chinese football junior U15 team ushered in the second warm-up match in Spain, and finally drew 1-1 with Girona。

The other side scored the first goal, Liu Kaiyuan in the 55th minute to rely on personal ability to break into the penalty area at a small Angle to break the goal, and finally the two sides drew 1-1。

In the next 20 days, the Chinese Under-15 football team will have a number of warm-up matches in Spain, and then go to the Netherlands to participate in the "Marvel Cup" international Under-15 youth tournament, with group opponents including Barcelona, Dortmund, Feyenoord, Genk。

Posted in: Shangsi County
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