Sevilla manager: My duty has been fulfilled, I think I have done it and the fans see the results

来源: Li Binggui Q&A network
2024-09-08 19:53:29

Sevilla manager: My duty has been fulfilled, I think I have done it and the fans see the results

Sevilla manager: My duty has been fulfilled, I think I have done it and the fans see the results

Live bar May 27 news this morning, Sevilla in the last round of La Liga home 1-2 defeat Barcelona, after the coach Flores commented on the game。

Flores said: "After five months of terrible pace and intensity, I am excited but also tired, even though my work here is over。I believe that the ship has arrived in port, that my duty has been fulfilled and that Sevilla and I need to make the responsible decision not to continue。”

"I had a very bad month when I first arrived at the club, I felt the weight of a club like Sevilla was on my shoulders, it was a short period, we were very bold, brave in accepting the team, but I think we did it。”

"It's a privilege to be with these fans。They've been great, I've always felt they've put in a lot of effort and we feel very close to them。They saw the results of our work and we wanted to win in the end, but we played a good game。”

"You learn a lot from difficult moments, you ask yourself a lot of questions and that definitely makes us grow。When you are successful, everyone will accompany you, but help you progress......Not everyone helps you。”

Posted in: Shangsi County
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