The goalkeeper looks at the ball and sighs!Oscar's got an easy shot in his pocket&Season 5 goals and 10 assists, Gustavo provided an assist

来源: Zhang Hanfu Q&A network
2024-06-01 01:32:28

The goalkeeper looks at the ball and sighs!Oscar's got an easy shot in his pocket&Season 5 goals and 10 assists, Gustavo provided an assist

Live bar on May 26, the 14th round of the Chinese Super League, Shanghai Port vs Cangzhou Lion。

In the 13th minute, Gustavo returned to do, Oscar easily shot into the far corner, Harbor home 1-0 lead。

Oscar played 13 games in the Chinese Super League this season, has scored 5 goals and sent 10 assists, Gustavo also gained the first assist in the Chinese Super League career, the current 11 games 9 goals 1 assist。

Posted in: Shangsi County
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