Taremi points to win!Porto 2-1 Portugal Sport, clinching a third straight Portuguese Cup title

来源: Zhang Wu Q&A network
2024-06-21 03:41:17

Taremi points to win!Porto 2-1 Portugal Sport, clinching a third straight Portuguese Cup title

Live broadcast May 27 - In the Portuguese Cup final held in the early hours of this morning Beijing time, Porto beat Portuguese Sport 2-1 to win the championship。

In the first half of the game, SAN Jost took the lead for Portugal, Barbosa equalized the score, and SAN Jost left the field in the 29th minute, with 10 men fighting on the Portuguese sports field。In the second half, both teams were scoreless and went into extra time, with Taremi scoring the winning goal in the 100th minute, and Porto beat Sporting Portugal 2-1 to lift the championship trophy, achieving a third consecutive Portuguese Cup title and winning the tournament for the 20th time in the team's history。

Porto's official account posted a poster on social media celebrating the title with the caption: "We are the champions!"

Posted in: Shangsi County
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