Rondo: This green Army reminds me of '08 with a different guy contributing every night

来源: Sun Ying Ji Q&A network
2024-08-10 17:08:40

Rondo: This green Army reminds me of '08 with a different guy contributing every night

Rondo: This green Army reminds me of '08 with a different guy contributing every night

Live on May 27, the Eastern Conference finals G3, the Celtics 18 points reversed the Pacers, 114-111 win, a big score of 3-0。

This game, the Celtic famous Rondo came to the sideline to watch the game。After the game, he spoke with Gary Washburn of the Boston Globe。

Speaking about the current Green Army, he said: "They are a deep team。I think they remind us of our 2008 team as well。It's not just one or two guys, there's going to be different scorers every night, there's going to be different guys that step up and contribute。”

"Coach Mazzulla puts them in the right position every night。Against a team without an All-Star, obviously it wasn't a pretty game。They got off to a slow start, down 12 at halftime, and then they went on a run。It wasn't easy, but they defied adversity and won the game。”

"The game is all about adaptation and adjustment。The Celtics are setting the tone, setting the standard of play, and obviously they're in the conference finals。Sunspots can say what they want。Obviously the game plan has worked so far and I don't think anyone will stop them。”

Posted in: Shangsi County
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