来源: Wang Renxing Q&A network
2024-05-27 01:06:12

The Municipal government integrity work meeting was held

   Our reporter Xu Yun reported: On the morning of April 17, after listening to and watching the provincial government's first clean government work meeting, the municipal government immediately held a clean government work meeting。Qiu Xiangjun, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, attended and delivered a speech;Presided over by Rao Qinghua, Standing Committee of CPC Municipal Committee and Executive Vice Mayor;。


  Conference emphasis,The entire citywide government system must practice absolute loyalty,Safeguarding the "two establishment" and achieving the "two maintenance" are reflected in the concrete actions of resolutely implementing the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee,In strengthening ecological and environmental governance, promoting the "10-year fishing ban" in the Yangtze River basin, strengthening the protection of cultivated land and other "great national" practice loyalty to the Party,To ensure that the major policies, guidelines, decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee are fully implemented;We must unswervingly promote law-based administration,We will accelerate the demonstration of building a law-based government,Consciously adhere to law-based decision-making, law-based supervision and law enforcement, and open and transparent government affairs;We need to stay committed to improving the business environment,We will deepen efforts to improve the business environment and raise standards,We will comprehensively advance the reform of "one network, one door, one time and one window",In-depth implementation of natural persons, legal persons, the whole life cycle of the project "one thing" integration reform,Further simplify working procedures, shorten working time and improve working efficiency;We will unswervingly strengthen oversight of funds,Government insists on austerity,Continue to reduce public spending,We will strictly implement the bidding system,We will strengthen budgetary restraint and oversight through auditing,Effectively improve the efficiency of the use of fiscal funds;We must unswervingly deepen our work style,We will continue to implement the eight Provisions of the Central Committee and the rules for their implementation,We strongly advocate the spirit of hard work,Encourage research,Truly with excellent work style to ensure that excellent work results;We must unswervingly strengthen the positive atmosphere and discipline,We should firmly shoulder and grasp the responsibility for comprehensively and strictly governing the main body of the Party,Consciously abide by the Party Constitution, rules and discipline,Tighten and secure the institutional cage for the management and use of power,Deepen the construction of "diligent and incorruptible Shanggrao",We have always exercised power fairly, prudently and in accordance with the law。


  The meeting is held in the form of video, and sub-venues are set up in the county (city, district)。

Posted in: Shangsi County
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