Romano: After reaching an agreement with Brighton, De Zelby's compensation is less than 10 million euros

来源: Lee Zongren Q&A network
2024-06-01 01:32:27

Romano: After reaching an agreement with Brighton, De Zelby's compensation is less than 10 million euros

Direct broadcast bar May 26, according to reporter Romano news, de Zelby's current compensation is less than 10 million euros。

According to Sky Sports reports, De Zelby entered the list of four candidates for Chelsea's new coach, the other three are Frank, Maresca and McKenna。

Reporter Romano revealed that after leaving and Brighton reached an agreement, de Zelby's current compensation is less than 10 million euros, and his release payment is 15 million euros, but it has been reduced after the two sides reached an agreement。

In a recent interview, Deselby said: "I would love to work in the Premier League again one day。”

Posted in: Shangsi County
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