价值1.Four hundred million pounds!Southampton clinched the final spot with Leicester City&Ipswich are also up

来源: Yang Yong Q&A network
2024-08-12 02:27:01

价值1.Four hundred million pounds!Southampton clinched the final spot with Leicester City&Ipswich are also up

Live on May 26 news the Championship promotion play-off final is worth at least 1.In a £400 million match, Southampton beat Leeds 1-0 to join Leicester City and Ipswich Town in the Premier League next season。

Upgrade the team ↓

Leicester City, Ipswich Town, Southampton

Why is it known as the most expensive final in football ❓ The highest value of the Championship play-off final over 3.05亿镑🚀 Relegated to the Championship

Luton, Burnley, Sheffield United

Relegated team ↓

Birmingham, Huddersfield, Rotherham

Promotion to the Championship

Portsmouth, Derby County, Oxford United

46 rounds of standings ↓

Posted in: Shangsi County
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