来源: Zhao Demao Q&A network
2024-05-18 21:34:41

Getai solar cells are certified with "carbon footprint"

  In recent years, the global wave of carbon reduction has continued to surge, and "carbon neutrality" has put forward new requirements for the sustainable development of the photovoltaic industry, and also pointed out a new direction for the development of the new energy industry。The "carbon footprint" of a product refers to the carbon emissions generated by a product or service during its entire life cycle, including the procurement of raw materials, transportation, production, use and final disposal of the product。The International Organization for Standardization has established a standardized standard for carbon footprint accounting, which is the passport for products to enter the emerging green market, effectively enhancing the core competitiveness of photovoltaic enterprises in the green new energy market。

  It is understood that Jettai technology adheres to the concept of green and low-carbon development, actively implements the "double carbon" goal, and is committed to promoting the sustainable development of the photovoltaic industry。The 182 single crystal solar cell products successfully obtained the "carbon footprint" certification, opening a new chapter in the green transformation of Jettai Technology。At present, the company is constantly optimizing the energy management system, actively building green smart factory, has built three bases in Shangrao, Chuzhou, Huai 'an waste gas, special gas, chemicals, energy consumption and waste heat recovery monitoring, measurement, control, management in one management system。By monitoring energy consumption, the production energy efficiency is improved and the digital green is coordinated control, which provides strong support for enterprises to save energy and reduce emissions, reduce costs and increase efficiency。    

Posted in: Shangsi County
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