Reporter: Roma are interested in Chiesa, the player needs to know the future plans of the new Juve coach

来源: He Guangzong Q&A network
2024-06-01 01:32:26

Reporter: Roma are interested in Chiesa, the player needs to know the future plans of the new Juve coach

Reporter: Roma are interested in Chiesa, the player needs to know the future plans of the new Juve coach

Live broadcast May 27, Italian football reporter Eleonora Trotta said that Roma are interested in Chiesa Jr., and the player is also attracted by this。

Eleonora Trotta has tweeted that Chiesa is in no rush to renew his contract with Juve。He first wants to know about Juve's future projects and the tactical positioning of the new coach, probably Motta。Roma are interested in Chiesa Jr., and such a move could also attract Chiesa Jr。Milan are also interested in Chiesa Jr。

However, Corriere Della Sera pointed out that Roma will only consider Chiesa as a target if they qualify for next season's Champions League。But Roma ultimately failed to qualify for the Champions League next season, so there is little hope of landing Chiesa Jr。

Chiesa has repeatedly been rumored to be Romano, Roma coach De Rossi has been very optimistic about him, that his speed and technology meet their tactical requirements。Chiesa, who has one year left on his contract with Juve, has previously said he wants to take Juve back to the top in the near future。

Posted in: Shangsi County
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