Fengzhen: New Pengcheng bottom, don't bother to move to Shenzhen and immediately downgrade

来源: Fan Changjiang Q&A network
2024-06-21 03:56:13

Fengzhen: New Pengcheng bottom, don't bother to move to Shenzhen and immediately downgrade

Fengzhen: New Pengcheng bottom, don't bother to move to Shenzhen and immediately downgrade

Live bar May 26 news In the 14th round of the Chinese Super League, Shenzhen New Pengcheng 0-1 lost to Shanghai Shenhua, in the encounter of nine consecutive rounds of defeat at the same time, also slipped to the bottom of the standings。Media people Fengzhen talked about the situation of new Pengcheng, as well as the view of relegation。

Fengzhen issued a document saying: "The new Pengcheng bottom, do not take the effort to move to Shenzhen and then immediately downgrade.。It is difficult, the players are not good enough, the coach has no experience, and the Chinese Super League network is almost zero, but no matter how difficult you have to avoid relegation in the first year, otherwise I will think that City Football Group is just a grass platform team。 ”

After the end of the previous 2023 season, Sichuan Jiuniu rushed from the Chinese League A to the Chinese Super League, and immediately moved to Shenzhen and changed its name to Shenzhen New Pengcheng。As a first-year freshman in the Chinese Super League, Xinpengcheng has 10 points with Nantong Zhiyun after 14 rounds of the league, and is in the relegation zone of the table。

Posted in: Shangsi County
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