From the bottom of the football corruption series: many players are regular customers of the bar club, drinking and drinking whoring gambling sampling

来源: Xie sea question and answer network
2024-06-01 01:32:26

From the bottom of the football corruption series: many players are regular customers of the bar club, drinking and drinking whoring gambling sampling

Live on May 27, a new round of anti-corruption storm in Chinese football is still ongoing, and the rule of law news journal Fangyuan published a long article today revealing the hidden rules of corruption in football。

Excerpts from the article are as follows:

Under the systematic and corrupt pollution in the field of football, the ecology of the entire industry is also facing deterioration, and some national team players lack fighting spirit, a sense of honor and a sense of mission are not strong, and the spirit of daring to fight is insufficient。

According to media reports, in 2022, when the national team played Vietnam in the World Cup qualifier, the Chinese Football Association raised the bonus to 6 million yuan to boost morale before the game, but it still lost 1:3 in the end。Chen Xuyuan once said: "Some national team players do not even sweat during training。This generation has no hope, no blood and no faith。”

What's more, many players are regular customers of bars and clubs, drinking, whoring and gambling sampling。A Chinese football Association official told "Fangyuan" reporter that many grass-roots coaches of football have the atmosphere of scolding players, smoking and drinking, and there are problems with their own team construction, and the players brought out of this atmosphere also have bad habits。 At present, many football players, including many players in the Chinese Super League, do not have a cultural course and have received ideological and moral education。In conversations with local football association officials and players, they have a perception: "I just accidentally hit the mugshot was caught, you did not find there are many problems.。”

A number of experts interviewed by the "Fangyuan" reporter said that Chinese football has brought too much disappointment to fans, match-fixing, black whistle, gambling, and corruption is one of the most fundamental reasons。

In the past more than a year, the anti-corruption storm in Chinese football fully shows that this is not a "gust of wind", but really a check to the end, really determined investigation!
Posted in: Shangsi County
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