The 14th round of the Chinese Super League best candidates: Cresan, Congua, Fabio, Wei Shihao, Oscar

来源: Lu Xianzu Q&A network
2024-08-10 21:53:44

The 14th round of the Chinese Super League best candidates: Cresan, Congua, Fabio, Wei Shihao, Oscar

May 27, the Chinese Super League official announced the 14th round of the best player candidate list, Cresan, Congua, Fabio, Wei Shihao, Oscar shortlisted。

Cresan (Shandong Taishan) 1 goal and 1 assist

Kang Gua (Qingdao Manatees) 1 goal 1 assist

Fabio (Beijing Guoan) 2 goals and 1 assist

Wei Shihao (Chengdu Chengdu) 2 goals

Oscar (Shanghai Harbour) 3 goals

Posted in: Shangsi County
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