来源: Ludpung Q&A network
2024-05-27 01:05:47

Weave medical insurance "service network" to hold up a "health umbrella" for the people

  In the implementation process of the "integrated teller system", the bureau sorted out the business process around the problems that the masses were most concerned about and reflected the most, solved the problems of the handling process, the handling time limit, the business crossover, and the front and back office connection one by one, and realized the effective monitoring of the key link control points。Since the implementation of the system, key matters have taken less than 10 minutes to complete on average, and the efficiency has increased by more than 70%。

  Also happy is Mr. Zhang who lives in Gubu town, he said: "My lover is paralyzed in bed and has been enjoying medical insurance family care.。This year is good, the superimposed care mode opened by the medical insurance is more warm, the professional nursing staff sent by the medical insurance directly to my home, the effect of my wife's recovery is better, really thank you, for the medical insurance convenience measures praise!"

  In order to facilitate the masses to work, the bureau will be the outpatient chronic disease audit and identification work sunk to the conditional fixed-point medical institutions, the processing cycle from the original few months to 20 working days。The limit on the number of designated medical institutions for the settlement of chronic diseases in out-patients shall be abolished, and the scope of designated retail pharmacies for reimbursement of chronic diseases in out-patients shall be expanded。18 medical insurance handling services such as insurance registration will be decentralized to towns (streets), 12 medical insurance handling services will be decentralized to village (community) deputy agents, 22 medical insurance handling government services will be completed immediately, and the medical insurance handling service radius will continue to expand。At the same time, the procedures are simplified to allow the masses to seek medical treatment in different places。"It's really great that the costs of radiation therapy were paid in full before, and then the information was sent back to the insured place for reimbursement.。Now it is much more convenient, directly in the hospital with medical insurance electronic vouchers can be directly settled, only pay the self-pay part, less money, the pressure is much less than the original。"Hong Jiazui township Mr. Wu gratefully said。

  (Wang Yalin)

Posted in: Shangsi County
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